Senin, 15 November 2010

Enjoy The Ride

Maybe this is my first note on this blog. This is my contemplation for everything that I've done in this matter. I put some journey, some experience, some spiritual content, and maybe a lil bit some recreation stuffs. Beside that, I try to practicing my English sentences, grammar, and vocabulary. LOL!

‘Who am I?’ I am just ordinary people like you and like everybody else. I’m an asian man from Indonesia. I’m a Muslim. I’m a reporter for a music magazine, Guitar Plus. I like music, like some straight edge hardcore punk stuff. But in generally, I heard every kind of music. I like to reads. Like comic books, detective or thriller novel, and some knowledge of spiritual content. For a recreation, I like photography, traveling, and practicing parkour (an art and disciplines from development of French military). The point is, I like to learn about everything.

 So, This is my first note and my first journey on this blog. Enjoy the ride!